“Plays” Strategies

Poker is not just a game of bets, calls and folds; there are so many moves or “plays” in the game that make poker a complex game of skill. This section offers a comprehensive guide on how to perform the most important plays in poker. Also, learn the poker tips on how to execute the perfect play and win big pots at the tables!

You must have a solid strategy before executing any play. Your strategies must be based on logical reasoning, type of opponents, board texture, position, etc. Each chapter is written by experienced players who explain all the factors that you must consider before executing any play.

Many players make silly mistakes while executing basic plays like bluffing and value betting. Find out how to avoid these mistakes and maximise your profits. Learn some of the complex plays like check-raising and floating, explained in the simplest way possible with comprehensive examples.

It takes years of practice to master the poker plays; however, with a bit of study on RedSharkPoker and practice, you can be well-versed with each play in a short period of time.

Chapter 1: How to Value Bet?
Value betting is betting for the sole purpose of extracting money from your opponent when you believe that you have the best hand. Learn the poker tips on how to value bet correctly and make maximum profits.

Chapter 2: How to Bluff?
Bluffing is an advanced move where you represent the best hand by betting, raising or re-raising to force your opponent to fold a better hand than yours. Learn the tricky poker tips on how to successfully bluff and steal pots.

Chapter 3: How to Semi-Bluff?
Semi-bluffing is betting or raising with a hand that is not the best hand on the current street but has the potentiality of becoming the best hand on the future streets. Learn this tricky art of semi-bluffing to steal the pot right away.

Chapter 4: What is a 3-Bet?
The 3 bet poker definition can be defined asthe first re-raise on the preflop. 3-betting is an important preflop move that helps you to build the pot with strong hands. Learn the poker tips and tricks on how to 3-bet properly and win big pots.

Chapter 5: How to Make C-bets?
A continuation bet or cbet is a bet you make on the flop if you have raised preflop. Cbetting is a very powerful move on the flop that helps you to continue with your preflop story. Learn the effective poker tricks on how to make the right c-bet.

Chapter 6: How to Fire a Double Barrel?
Double barrelling can be described as continuing your cbet on the turn as a bluff. Learn the intricate poker tips on how to fire a successful double barrel and force your opponent to fold.

Chapter 7: How to Fire a Triple Barrel?
Triple barrelling is simply continuing your bluff on the river as a preflop raiser after you have bluffed on both the flop and the turn. Learn the poker guide on how to successfully fire the third barrel in poker.

Chapter 8: How to Steal Blinds?
Know the tricky art of stealing blinds on the preflop and steal uncontested blinds. Blind stealing is a profitable play that keeps your stack balanced. Learn the poker guide on how to steal blinds even with weak and marginal hands.

Chapter 9: How to Defend Your Blinds?
Blind defense refers to not folding to a pre-flop raise when you are in the big or small blind. You must have a solid blind defense strategy to stop the slow bleeding of blinds. Learn the important poker tips involved in defending your blinds.

Chapter 10: How to Squeeze?
A squeeze play is a preflop re-raise that is made after there has been a raise with one or more callers. Learn the secret poker tips on how to execute this advanced play and win a substantial pot on the preflop.

Chapter 11: What is Pot Committed?
Being pot committed in poker is a situation where you find it difficult to fold when the pot is so large in comparison to your stack. Learn how to handle situations when you are pot committed and save whatever money you have left instead of losing it all.

Chapter 12: What is a Free Card?
The term “free card” is used in a situation where you or your opponent gets to see another card without putting any money into the pot. Learn when you should give a free card and when not to give it. Explore the essential poker tips involved in giving a free card.

Chapter 13: How to Slowplay?
Learn how to slowplay and induce your opponents to bet against your strong hand. Explore the best poker tips on how to trap your opponents and make maximum profits with your best hand.

Chapter 14: What is a Blocking Bet?
A blocking bet is smaller than an average-sized bet made from out of position, hoping that your opponent will call and not raise. Learn how to make a successful blocking bet so that you don’t face a raise from your opponent.

Chapter 15: How to Float in Poker?
Float play is a complex form of bluffing where you bet after your opponent checks on the turn. Learn the tricky poker tips on how to successfully float in poker and force your opponent to fold.

Chapter 16: How to Check-Raise?
Check-raise is a tricky out of position move where you check when the action gets to you and raise when your opponent bets. Learn how to execute this tricky move of check-raise for both bluffing and value betting.

Chapter 17: How to Use Blockers?
The cards (your hand + board) that block your opponent from holding certain hands are called blockers in poker. Blockers help you to reveal what cards your opponent is less likely to have. Learn how to use blockers and become a post-flop master.

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