HUD Strategies

Have you ever wondered why your opponent folds to your cbet every time you have a strong hand? Or why your opponent calls your bet when you try to steal the blinds? Are your opponents cheating and looking at your cards? Well, they are probably using a poker HUD! Poker HUD or Heads Up Display is a powerful software that keeps track of every move of your opponent and yours when you play online poker. In today’s competitive games, it has become a prerequisite to use online poker HUD software.

HUDs have hundreds of statistics that track your every move at the tables. For a first-time HUD user, these stats might be overwhelming to understand. Also, there are a few HUD guides available online that are very difficult to understand. We at RedSharkPoker understand the pain points that a first-time player goes through while configuring a HUD. We have explained the most important HUD stats in the simplest way possible so that you can understand and utilize your HUD properly.

Learn how to comprehend the most important poker HUD stats, explained in detail in the following chapters. Find out how to use these stats to find a leak in your opponent’s game so that you can exploit them and win pots easily.

Chapter 1: What is VPIP?
VPIP is a preflop statistics that display the number of times you voluntarily put money in the pot. Learn how to use these important poker HUD stats to identify loose and tight players.

Chapter 2: What is PFR?
PFR is the most important poker HUD statistics after VPIP. PFR shows how many times a player raises on the preflop. You can use this HUD stats to identify passive and aggressive players.

Chapter 3: What are Good 3-bet HUD Stats?
Find out what are good 3-bet HUD stats that you should maintain to remain unexploitable at the tables. Also, see how likely your opponent will fold to your 3-bet by looking at Fold to 3-bet HUD stats.

Chapter 4: What is an Aggression Factor?
Aggression factor is an important online poker HUD stats that shows a player’s aggressive behaviour. Find out the common aggression factor stats and compare them with VPIP and PFR to get an accurate read on your opponents.

Chapter 5: What are Good C-bet HUD Stats?
Cbetting is an important move on the flop for a preflop aggressor. Find out the important c-bet stats that help to catch your opponent’s bluff and also help you to bluff better with a cbet.

Chapter 6: How to Steal Blinds Using HUD Stats?
Steal blinds effectively by using Fold to Steal% HUD stats. These stats will show how likely the players in the big and small blinds are going to fold to your steal. Learn the best poker HUD stats on stealing blinds.

Chapter 7: How to Defend Your Blinds Using HUD Stats?
Learn how to defend your blinds by using the best online poker HUD stats. These stats will show how to defend your blinds and even force your opponent to fold with a 3-bet.

Chapter 8: How to Check-Raise Using HUD Stats?
Check-raise is a tricky move that confuses your opponent. Find out how to use the important poker HUD stats to bluff or bluff-catch your opponent’s check-raise.

Chapter 9: What are WTSD and W$SD Hud Stats?
Learn how to use these important poker HUD stats on the river to decide whether to go to the showdown or not. Compare both the stats to know how likely your opponent will go to the showdown and win pots.
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